new recruit swearing in OCT 21

U.S. Patriot Corps HQ’s October Drill

CHESTER, S.C. — The United States Patriot Corps Headquarters Drill was held on 23 OCT 2021 in Chester County, South Carolina. Finishing touches were being made to the new Headquarters building while the USPC Generals Staff presented updates, upcoming operation plans, and planning proposals to BG Ricard Patton. New Recruits were sworn in by Brigadier...

USPC Seal small

History of the US. Patriot Corps

The United States Patriot Corps is a organization that stands ready to help Communities, States and the Nation during Natural and Man-made Disasters and in times of need. That statement above is our mission. Below you will find the history of how the United States Patriot Corps came into existence and this page will continue...Continue reading

USPC Drill Schedule

Drill Schedule

United States Patriot Corps Division Drill Schedule for 2023 is as follows:

United States Patriot Corps Recruiting


The United States Patriot Corps mission is rapidly expanding, and we are looking for you. If interested, please see the contact info below. A recruiter will respond to your request within 72 hours.

USPC About Us

About Us


Join the United States Patriot Corps

Good to see you are interested in joining the United States Patriot Corps. Please take the time to read the info below, if you have any questions after that feel free to contact us either by contact us form, email or phone. If you are all set and ready to join U.S. Patriot Corps at...Continue reading

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