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History of the US. Patriot Corps

The United States Patriot Corps is a organization that stands ready to help Communities, States and the Nation during Natural and Man-made Disasters and in times of need.

That statement above is our mission. Below you will find the history of how the United States Patriot Corps came into existence and this page will continue to grow and expand just like the U.S. Patriot Corps.

Historically, the original Patriots also known as militia goes back to 1636 in the New England states when they had their first muster, over a hundred years later these militia would become known as Patriots with the help of the Sons of Liberty and other groups seeking independence from England. The Patriots grew to every Colony in the New World, they were all volunteers and for the most part received no pay. Some Patriots went on to serve in the Continental Army like Francis Marion (The Swamp Fox) in South Carolina (watch the movie Patriot with Mel Gibson) while the majority of Patriots stayed local to help the citizens in time of need and sometimes helped the active duty military if needed. After the American Revolution War the Patriots remained and continued to help citizens. During the American Civil War most Patriots where drafted to which ever Army was present where they lived, those Patriots not drafted stayed and helped the citizens in their communities when needed. After the American Civil War the Patriots remained and continued to help citizens. In the 1900s the National Guard was created and many Patriots joined, while others stayed with the volunteer militia reserve. After WWII the volunteer militia reserve started to decline and by the late 1960s most ceased to exist, some moved to State Defense Forces.

So here we are today in the year 2020. The United States Patriot Corps was originally founded on the bases to bring prior U.S. Armed Forces Veterans to an organization so they could continue to serve their nation, state, local communities and the citizens utilizing their leadership, skills and expertise that they learned in the military. All the while maintaining a well uniformed military structure drawing on the fraternal nature, dedication to purpose, and leadership skills inherent in a military organization.

As our journey began others began to reach out to the U.S. Patriot Corps wanting to serve. The majority of those reaching out have backgrounds in Law Enforcement, Fire Fighting, Search and Rescue, State Defense Forces, and more. After much debate we came to the conclusion that the United States Patriot Corps could use people like this to help achieve the mission goals.

So we opened our rolls to civilians with the understanding that they would have to go through military training and learn the military way of life to be a part of the U.S. Patriot Corps.

We are now in 3 states with prospects of other units coming onboard in other states.

As we grow, we will be updating this page, and in the tradition of the original Patriots we will continue to serve our nation, states, local communities and the citizens of these United States of America.
