USPC About Us

About Us


COMMANDERDeputy CommanderProfessional ServicesCommandInspectorGeneralHHD CommanderCeremonial UnitSpecial StaffEngineerDetachmentJudge AdvocateGeneralMedicalDetachmentChaplain CorpsSearch & RescueSARCOMStaffJudge AdvocateSergeant Majorof the U.S. Patriot Corps G-1Admin G-2Intel and SecurityG-3OperationsandTrainingG-4LogisticsG-5Future Planningand TrainingG-6CommunicationsProvost MarshalDetachment1st BrigadeMaineNew HampshireChaplainChief of StaffComptrollerRecruitmentMarketing andFund RaisingG-7Public Relationsand Civil AffairsSubordinateCommandsCoordinatingStaffSpecial StaffCommand StaffMississippiSouth CarolinaCyberDetachmentAviation Corps


When serious natural or man-made disasters strike anywhere in the nation, the mission of the United States Patriot Corps is to quickly respond to help and protect people, and property and to help communities recover. Acting in coordination with the National Agencies, State Agencies and Locale Community Agencies during times of emergency and need.



The United States Patriot Corps is organized as an army division under the leadership of the Commander of the U. S. Patriot Corps. It is comprised of the Command Staff, Special Staff, Coordinating Staff, Professional Services Command, and 1st Brigade. The 1st Brigade is further divided into State Commands. State Commands are divided into Unit Commands.

As new states come active, they will be added to a Brigade.

United States Patriot Corps members are all volunteers who share a passion for service and an equally strong commitment to their Nation and fellow countrymen. New and current members receive training at the United States Patriot Corps Military Academy.


To learn more about the History of The United States Patriot Corps click here.